Wednesday, March 10, 2010

yes and no: is this it

yes and no
it's either 'yes' or 'no'
it 'is' or it 'isn't'
he/she did or he/she didn't
they are or they aren't

is this it

yes, no, - no, yes

just 2 options

doesn't it seem like.. dull -
oughten't there to be more other than just these 2 -
where's the variety -
yeah there's 'maybe' - but this is uncertainty and so's like.. not really a solid -
the hard facts - the punch - dwell in yes or no..
I like more options than just 2 -
it's been yes and no for sooo long
it's so been done - it's so 'what it is'..

what's the solution

lighten up!

and is it all 'question' and 'answer' -
A asks B a question -
B gives answer -
is that it - just 2 options (another 'just 2(?)'!) -
yeah there's 'expressive' language - but what's that..
and directive language (commands and such) - but that's rather, again, 'what it is' eh..

how do we create more options and make daily life a more exciting experience

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