Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The heart is that driving force within people.. That engine that propells forwards..
Motive, Motivation..
What is in the heart is what will exit (manifest [in some way] from) the heart.
Easiest way to discover what's in one's heart is to listen to words flowing from their mouth.
Are they continuosly spouting angry words? This is a sign. Rage in the heart. Or are there words of praise, encouragement, thanksgiving. . . This all springs from core, heart..
Also what people like.. As John Ruskin put it: "Tell me what you like, I'll tell you what you are." That's a pricelesss quote. So much can be found out about a person just by posing the question "What do you like (to do)?" What movies do they dig, what bands, books? You are what you like, one could say.
Also sense of humor is very telling - as Goethe says "Men show their characters in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable." A lady pushing a stroller - wheel hits a crack - baby falls out onto the sidewalk - one bystander busts out into a belly laugh - another is moved with compassion - rushes over to console woman holding child..
What one creates, too.. - I can read the insides of an artist pretty much right off the bat just by looking at their art.. this is what they're praising (oft times).. This dude's making large sculptures of the pope out of dung (tells me he has isues with established religion - perhaps he's been burt in past).. This gal is creating a documentary about Brooklyn cafes.. That's what she digs - that's a part of who she is... *And where people go (location) tells much about heart as well, could go on and on).

It is important to consider what's put in heart. Who put's it in - are not we to a large extent in control of this?
Things are enter into heart through eyes and ears.
People, places and things (to use a saying from A.A.) tie in big then as key factors.. Who you're around - their words will transfer into you.. and you tend to morph into what you look at (physically as well as what you're continually viewing with that mind's eye of yours). . .

It makes sense then to strengthen these two capacities..
What helps is to hieghten the senses - seeing as they are so important in terms of heart-filling. . . How do we hone?
Teach, train eyes to observe - page through piles of art books, visit art museums, more and more put 2 and 2 together with eyes... Miro (I think)was a very circumspect artist - said he put a crown of eyes on his head - looking, looking, looking... Go do likewise- see, see, see - eventually you start seeing things clearer and clearer - then progessing (graduating) into seeing the unseen clearer and clearer. . .
Train ears to listen - get books on tapes - link up with some skilled talkers. . . grow to more and more picking up on the between the lines stuff. . . hearing the unsaid. . .
Both these pursuits, when done earnestly, I think will draw one to truth, to God.

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