Wednesday, March 10, 2010

speed metal and the future

a coworker yest gave me a cd of heavy metal music

when I listened to it later - the lead singer of the band sounded to me
a bit too much like Cookie Monster - could picture him at the mic and cookie crumbs flying all over

today I was batting around ideas of making a lunar buggy to put in the front window for display - we could make it of pipes and tin foil

before work was breakfast in Tribeca where discussed the function of art -
take for example a mask made in BALI - the person carved and painted it there w/ his/her reason in mind - next thing it’s hanging in the Met lol

how about two days suddenly in past eh - and throw your mind (enter scene of quarterback launching a spiral - long bomb - there it goes - up - up - the arch..) waay into the future - like the year 2345 - will people read in a book about my coworker giving me a speed metal cd - it won’t be in a book (will it?) - will it be in cyberspace somewheres - who will know what - and what do we know now - and are we all like brothers and sisters

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