Wednesday, March 10, 2010

the world

long line of Black Friday shoppers near midnight
part-time Wal-Mart employee unlocks
door smasht forward
lands on man
people trample over him
ending his earthly life
surveillance cameras pick up EMT performing CPR - goes on 11 O'clock news

'terrorists' held hostages in fancy hotels in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay)

they all got offed save one or

USA president is gonna have hands full
there's healthcare where, say you have $1000 in your bank account -
some freak who drank a 6 pack of Coors runs you and moped over with his van
%100 his fault
suddenly you owe $60,000
hospitals charging thousands to fix humans - are hospitals there to help you or - by looks of it - 'help themselves to you'
then lawyers - say you're looking to gain justice by van guy paying your hospital bill and $ missed by not being at work - good luck as lawyers - what do they charge - thousands right off bat or

hospitals and lawyers be that as it may (don't get injured or sick)
how about credit cards and banks - say you have $112 in bank -
your credit card bill is $120 - suddenly 8 bucks in debt - check bounces - they send a $30 fine in addition to demands to pay them money you don't have - where that $30 gonna come from - find a gerbil wheel to run on or
and 'interest' heh - on a loan - something like %29 - it's like asking a friend for 20 bucks (b/c broke) - they reply 'yeah, just, gotta pay me back 40 next week'

what about politicians - dress important - distribute taxes to this and that

taxes going towards building tanks and bombs
don't get me started on the military - trying to wrangle a middle eastern country into shape - how about fix problems in North Philly and the Bronx first!

or religions - forcing women to wear vails or
or bow down in front of statues or

or education system - $80,000 for a person to finish college - What!?!?!?!?!?!?!

or casinos with their mesmerized masses - all that money

what is money it's it's
it's such a part of why the above is at present as it is eh eeeeem

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