Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Readying to get a new Macbook Pro soon..

I’ve found a good fast computer to be one of the best tools to take in the most information and images per minute.. - compare it to a library ha ha ha - running around like a headless chicken - fumbling books - lit, history, thick photo books - scowling librarian - - - compared to snapping a button and surfing cyperspace..

via a couple clicks of keys you can send that email which changes the course of history eh

now, books can still influence.. my neighbor across the hall for example.. recently he lent a book to my roommate "The Master Cleanser" it’s called - have you heard of this - calls for you to drink just lemon water with maple syrup in it - and crushed peper bits(?) for 7-10 days - that’s it - no solid food and supposedly it cleans your insides out..

so he didn’t buy into it - the thin book sat on the kitchen table - - - - my other roommate however - - - - - biiiiig guy (picture a DEFENSIVE END for the JETS) saw it. and it changed the course of his life. Suddenly a whole bunch of lemons appeared in the apartment, and a jug of Maple Syrup. Pitcher of tinted water. A somber big roommate, watching dvds.

he won’t be roommie long as I’m readying to move North to THE HEIGHTS.
Now, I used to live in the Heights. It has its charms, just, my goal has been for a while now to be where I feel I belong VIZ. THE VILLAGE OR L.E.S.

thing is rent’s RATHER HIGH in both these nabe’s

at this point I’ll throw a slider into the kitten kaboodle:


whilst walking in LES other day I had to whip out phone and snap a pic of these horrid atrocities of arcitechture

perhaps when they were built they were in a sketch area

but now that nabe is HOT

please don’t tell me that people are staying in the projects paying peanuts because they are on welfare while people like me are working 9-5s and have to eek by in Harlem or the Heights - or like many of my friends - over in Brklyn or Queens - - - - WHAT GIVES!

What say TAKE A BULLDOZER to these awful eyesores
and build in place of them sharp apts for young artists who are diligent about beautifying the City!

no flippage of lid: not saying boot poor people out on street -
build these project buildings if we must (must we?) up in the Heights or, better, THE BRONX

not in the BEST neighborhoods in the City (Alphabet City too - Ave C and D yyyyipes - the noxious vibes those dreadful buildings spew into the air! - - - who’s idea was it to build them in the first place!!!!!!!!!)

Let’s better the City!

FreedomLovers UNITE!




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