Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Daily Life

been reading Gertrude Stein of late and she's hit on point that writers through history have written of their daily lives

a Russian friend of mine recently got into an altercation with his roommate - the guy started shoving him so he punched him in the face - the guy cried and, bloodied, called cops - who took my friend to jail. he told me it was so cold and no blanket and he declared to them it was torture but they weren't sympathizing. he got bailed out - sleeping elsewhere other than apt while awaiting court time. I found the story fascinating and asked him to type it for me - whereupon I could type it - a 'writing project'. he bought a voice recorder and said he was going to tape the story as he told it to friends - then send me an mp3 of it. but then for whatever reason he got fired from his job - we worked at the same place - and I haven't seen him since, hope he's OK.

Other night was at a homeless shelter helping my buddy serve food. A Christian group - all wearing blue t-shirts - from Indiana were there. They sang a song to the group of homeless people who were real appreciative. My buddy who heads it up delivers a message based on the Bible and then everyone digs into the food - cooked by a top chef in City (who volunteers his time to cook - on this occasion Steak and potatoes). A lady locked her keys in a room - the door in plain view in the dining area. My buddy announces for no one to be alarmed - 'she locked her keys in this room - I have to kick the door in!', with that a good walking start and BAM!!! door flew open - to the glee of clapping, cheering guests.

I heard a Marine is facing possible legal action because he dropped a puppy off a cliff in a youtube clip. Interesting how people are flipping lids over a puppy while USA troops are blasting this and that and people over in Iraq. I like puppies, don't get me wrong - kittens too

Speaking of military my younger bro who's in the army - also at Parsons - has been trying his hand at fashion photography - doing quite well actually - a recent shoot was for S.I. - swimsuit edition - the photo shoot was down by Wall Street - in front of that big bull sculpture - a Slovanian model - all those suits down there - he said there was almost a riot

this same bro I went and saw the HULK with yest night
his girlfriend was there and he had in his carry bag his little flighty lapdog, Birdie, who was looking and acting very puzzled, sitting in theater as the previews played. his girlfriend had to take the dog away - to walk it to their W. Village apt - she returned after only about 15 minutes and we all enjoyed the movie - afterwards she said the dog was going crazy because of all the food around - all the people grabbing at popcorn and crunching it in their mouths - food all around 'drives him bonkers'

go buy a book in Brooklyn
I'm at work on a new book
do you know people who write - do you think it is a stronger artform than, say, painting

but how much time do Americans have to really read - what with 9 - 5s and running hither dither on this or that errand - clubs and going to movies and filling nights with activity before they wax frail and that's that in the way of participation with people on the earth - it's pretty much curtains after you pass a point right - and then what - it's like, going through motions day after day - then, after passing more points on down the line I guess life morphs into readying for death what

but that's that for another time young reader - go and enjoy life - tho know it is - as the Bible says - like a vapor - think of that steam shooting from a tea kettle - there it is for a bit - then it's gone - - - - anyhow think of one of your best looking friends - do doors seem to open easier for them - we really value the sense of SIGHT right

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