Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why Jews and Chinese people are SO SMART; a theory..

I'll start with art;
a black and white photo I saw a while ago
in a thick photo book..
of a Jewish guy - wearing skull cap, forelocks hanging down and all - leaning over a small boy, pointing at a book - Scripture most likely..
It struck into my mind there.. -
and the summer I was in China - living on a college campus - gauging the intensity of the students - hearing how they were brought up - competing for high test scores to get into University - diligently studying - long after school let out..
It dawned then too..
that, perhaps this accounts for the Chinese and the Jews ranking 1 and 2 in race intelligence testing scores.. They're the smartest peoples - so say the stats..
talking with my Jewish friend Coby the other day - he said that - other than just math skills - *desire* ties into the equation as a factor in terms of intelligence..
getting back to that black and white photo - here's how it dawned..
While that kid was pouring over that - yea *memorizing* - that Scripture - I was like, out in the back yard with my two brothers, no shirt on, no shoes, playing WIFFLE BALL or something - pulling wheelies on my BMX..
While that Chinese kid was pouring over that Calc 2 problem in Junior High, I - I, Gentile AMERICAN, was.. SKATING around the neighborhood - catching air off a LAUNCH RAMP..

*however I fed off all that freedom - which reaps its own benefits so it's aaaall good.. -.. veeeerrry gooooood.. : )

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