Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Another quote here from my Dad's book "Penn's Luminous City".
The context: he's describing Chinese belief system Feng Shui - - - shares about certain living conditions to 'look out for' - as they might color things one way or another - - - interesting how this, that, the next arrangement affects one's self...

"Other unfortunate conditions include: recessed entrances, long hallways, narrow yards, additions which jut from side of a building...schools and offices with "sick building syndrome" due to over-insulation, as well as dust, mold, and synthetic chemical residues in duct work,...leaking pipes, dripping faucets, indoor pools, stoves in the wealth area, heaters that give off fumes,...square columns, exposed beams, small windows, broken windows, boarded-up windows, a window-to-door ratio greater than 3-to-1,...squeaky doors, stuck doors, permanently locked doors between rooms, commercial building doors which open straight into escalators...ship ladders in houses, steps without risers, mirrors minus frames...high, overgrown hedges, trees too close to a house, dead trees, untrimmed or sickly trees, wilted plants, unhealthy grass, proliferating weeds, flowers gone to seed, bare soil,...steeply sloping ground, dwellings built on mountainsides...quaries, caves, mines, dried-up creeks or springs...litter or trash visible from the front of a structure, broken mechanical contrivances, anything that no longer performs a productive function."

Implications branching into flushing the gonzo clutter from our life-surroundings - freeing up better flow here, there. . . - breathe easier - get more things done - streamline - efficiency - aerodynamic - - - stealth fighter plane compared to 1970's rusted out Dodge Ram. . .

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