Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Reading Hume's
'An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding'
and eyes scan over sentence
"The most lively thought is still inferior to the dullest sensation."
can one be really dogmatic on this though
say you think of a world-changing solution that will transform standards of living across boards..
now, pinch your nose.. - is that sensation - that feeling you experienced while you were pinching your nose more important than that potentially earth shaking thought.. uuuuhh.. -
look about you - see the buildings - architecture is first Thought up - then drawn up - then built..
if sensations outstripped thoughts - the designers and architects wouldn't think up projects
but rather sit round pinching their (each other's[?]) nose(s) eh

in any case go ahead and read new book - seeing what it does to your thoughts

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