Tyson on Photography
What is 'Tyson'
a name - a label -
if I had a name I didn't like - I'd so change it.. -
say a last name like.. 'Dogbert' .. 'Borfman' .. 'Snitzle'
Aaaanyway.. Photography..
Time to weigh in - and on an 'aspect' mind you..
i.e. how integral - vital - it is..
'idyllic' -
you catch that crackle in atmosphere.. divine, say - 'supernatural'..
document it - be it via words or images..
Do we desire to be where the characters are in the books we're reading - of course - talk about what sustains reading!).
This enters into the notion that your environment is rich only in so far as it can provide you with rich, mind-expanding, inspiring photos.. Can this serve as a gauge? i.e. your neighborhood, workplace, hangout place, vacation place, is only beautiful to the extent that it can provide you with awesome shots.. Say I go to some suburb in Kansas - how many shots can it offer.. Compare that to beating heart of NYC.. Where are you these days? how photographic is it?
Tuck camera in inside pocket or bag.. when a scene strikes in as rich (many aspects here, what do we deem 'rich', 'juice') zip cam free, snap a ringer..
then going and showing it forth - ZING! - into eyes of viewers - that energy soaring in - and what happens in their hearts and minds - - - well (if you hit bell on the whistle) - they'll recieve a glimpse - or full fledge ZAP - of what you experienced when you were moved there - possibly more - they might be moved to point of (from what I heard, as people were hearing Jonathan Edwards preach) falling to ground, weeping..
Or could be they'll start laughing - or even to laughing crying..
Choose ur settings - choose wisely - what else is life other than where you are - and share the good ones - the best ones.. - first one must learn what's good, what's best - - - discernment - and this, a whole nother kitten ka-boodle/ball of wax perhaps for another time.. and what is your thinking on photography - what does it do to you
"The oldest religion is where we are. And where we are encompasses everywhere we ever were." Robert Kelly
What is 'Tyson'
a name - a label -
if I had a name I didn't like - I'd so change it.. -
say a last name like.. 'Dogbert' .. 'Borfman' .. 'Snitzle'
Aaaanyway.. Photography..
Time to weigh in - and on an 'aspect' mind you..
i.e. how integral - vital - it is..
'idyllic' -
you catch that crackle in atmosphere.. divine, say - 'supernatural'..
document it - be it via words or images..
Do we desire to be where the characters are in the books we're reading - of course - talk about what sustains reading!).
This enters into the notion that your environment is rich only in so far as it can provide you with rich, mind-expanding, inspiring photos.. Can this serve as a gauge? i.e. your neighborhood, workplace, hangout place, vacation place, is only beautiful to the extent that it can provide you with awesome shots.. Say I go to some suburb in Kansas - how many shots can it offer.. Compare that to beating heart of NYC.. Where are you these days? how photographic is it?
Tuck camera in inside pocket or bag.. when a scene strikes in as rich (many aspects here, what do we deem 'rich', 'juice') zip cam free, snap a ringer..
then going and showing it forth - ZING! - into eyes of viewers - that energy soaring in - and what happens in their hearts and minds - - - well (if you hit bell on the whistle) - they'll recieve a glimpse - or full fledge ZAP - of what you experienced when you were moved there - possibly more - they might be moved to point of (from what I heard, as people were hearing Jonathan Edwards preach) falling to ground, weeping..
Or could be they'll start laughing - or even to laughing crying..
Choose ur settings - choose wisely - what else is life other than where you are - and share the good ones - the best ones.. - first one must learn what's good, what's best - - - discernment - and this, a whole nother kitten ka-boodle/ball of wax perhaps for another time.. and what is your thinking on photography - what does it do to you
"The oldest religion is where we are. And where we are encompasses everywhere we ever were." Robert Kelly
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