When I go visit another city, I make it a real point to make the most of the time there; packing as much as I can into every single second. I value time away from the norm as a very special thing; a treat. There's home - then there's this place.
That said, and in this line of thought, we steer into the meat of this lil' essay, and clench teeth into EARTHTIME.
EARTHTIME is our time away from what will be a loooong continuos thing (norm, if you will). EARTHTIME is unique. Like a lone speck of sand in midst of all the specks of every beach the world over; like a diamond tucked in billions of miles of coal mine caves. *Yet, if you're en-route to heaven, one could say 'vice versa' since, there, figuratively speaking, way beyond any diamonds in gloriousness - and infinite, all of it...
Eternity. To the one (the majority, actually) gazillions of years (will there be 'years' then?) - 'immeasurable on-going' let's say - of fiery, clumped-up, gnashing of teeth - sloshing round in "lake of fire." To the other - the "elect" "few" - 'infinite continuance' in "paradise", worshipping God, delighting in His ways, His all.
This the shining clear case, how, then, ought we to live out our days here on this spinning planet - here inside this EARTHTIME - this thing you're in - this special, unique thing you're currently in even as you sit there, eyes passng over these very words..
To paint on with the analogy of cities: I have, stocked up in mind, fond memories of striding through Hamburg, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Florence, Vienna, Zurich, Barcelona, countless U.S. cities, Shanghai, Beejing, Tokyo, Carribean - on and on - hours and hours out of doors - learning to, striving to, make every second count - soaking up as many vibes as possible - eyes peeled, sopping in the more the better. In short, I'm about the experience. I've chosen New York as home base due to its most overflowing energy and top rank as 'goings on' capitol of the world.
That all to say, these days, I've gone ahead and shifted this 'marrow quaff mode' from being switched on just whist away visiting wonderful places - to having it switched fully on wherever I'm at - 'all life in general' gets this treatment now - like my whole life is one big vacation away from the real home - viz. Heaven. And how brief our time here is! - called a "vapor" in Scripture - picture a kettle on a burner - screaming whistling - there's a vapor! there it went! Even if you live to 120 - when compared to that awesome stream of infinitude awaiting - what's that? - less than a splink - then let's make the most of it, eh!?..
And a good period in history to be experiencing EARTHTIME I might add.. - to have this mode locked on... - compare ours to theirs back in horse and buggy days - us with our jets, laptops, pda's, ipods, IMAX movies, BMWs... So much to think see and do - five senses! yeah!
We're urged here to chuck off any couch potato meaninglessness, any bondage to mediocrity, any phoniness, any fear of man, and really have-at it with all we've got in the flow of the here and now day in day out. This can happen only by fully clutching that this is it , that we're now in it -this little, mega-significant sliver in the grand scheme.
Think of all the rolling hills of brooding headstones - they've done their EARTHTIME - that's it! they'll not return a monkey or bird - curtains for them... Think of gnashing of teeth going on - rooted in not going for it. - "That was it? - fear held me back - I squandered my EARTHTIME - pissed away years doing what I didn't want to do but was too chicken to change! (gnash! gnash! gnash!).
They bumbled through life. Am I bumbling? What's going to matter on... DEATHBED? What will matter... 200 years from now? - when you're in (no way around it)... ETERNITYTIME.
Now, believer, consider, here, in EARTHTIME, is our only chance to suffer for Christ. Everything's all good 'up there'. Look at the Apostle Paul. I'd engrave on his headstone: "One who went for it." This is our ONLY chance for EVANGELISM. None of that going on in heaven. Unique. EARTHTIME. Special. a real time for... going for it! and does EARTHTIME hold bearing on HEAVENTIME? Paul ran real hard knowing that "A crown of righteousness" awaited him.
Time to disentangle self from distractions - lunge into the race. Run. Fight. This is the time for battle, yea, our only chance for it! - to "fight the good fight" - only chance to experience conflict - let's get off the bench - get into the action (look at David, look at Paul) - chuck off fear - strap on "full armour", helmet, breastplate, shield, Sword, and go for it!... Our only chance to be a part of a battle that sets captives free, heals hearts, saves souls.. Ahh, the kingdom - the only thing worthy of throwing whole self into - to be "zealous" for, "fervent" (200 years from now [and beyond] what you've done for it.. counts!). be "always abounding" in it! and "We're not those who draw back.."! Will we say, after that last exhale, "I kept on the fence" "I played it safe." Or will we have put it in - by the power of the Spirit within us - to say "I have fought the good fight" "I have finished the race."...
A deep cleansing from hinderances, 'drainers' (i.e. sin, apathy, bad influences, wrong moves) that tapeworm to, leech, bog down, our ET. Get them out of your life. Go from flittering at branches to laying ax to the root. "Overcome evil with good." "Sanctification."
We boost our earnestness towards the race - turn knob - fire leaps - luke warmth to boiling over - by the power of the Spirit, we run better, better, best..
Stick on EARTHTIME is VITALTIME glasses - having chucked 'tittering around in littleness' glasses in t-can. Now is our EARTHTIME, and we're not going to trivialize it, we're not going to live a dull drab life - we consciously refuse, reject it! We're going to invest in making everything count - mean something.. Living "abundantly" - as pleasing to God's heart as we can, by the power of His Spirit, working effectualy in and through us that which is "well-pleasing in His sight".
What will you do in EARTHTIME? What, pray, are you doing in EARTHTIME? Would we'd all wake up to its significance like we never have before - hurling off 'animal existance' and tapping into real deal: into Spirit Power - goodbye insignificance... we get going, marshalling every second into marching forth, sucking marrow out the ever-ongoing moment - here in EARTHTIME EXPERIENCE - encouraging each other, spurring one another on (think sharp spurs, jabbing in sides of horse - whineying, straining it onwards more earnestly) to flourishing in rich significance, RICHNESS in "every way" here in midst of our One and Only EEAARRTHTIIIIIIIME..
Let's hear that "Well done good and faithful servant" or something along those lines. Will you be confident, then (fast forward), on that Day, before the throne, giving "an account". Will you be happy, fully assured you went all out; that you
Rev. 20:10
1 Pet. 1:2
Mat. 22:14
Luke 23;43
2 Tim 4:8
Rom 12:21
1 Thes. 4:3
Eph 6
Heb. 10:39
2Tim 4:7
Titus 2:14
Heb. 13:21
2 Cor 9:11
1Cor 15:58
Matt 25:21
Rom 14:12
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