Food and Nutrition (part 3)
it's written in a note-jot style
some of it might come off sounding 'new-agey' ---- but that's not the angle we're going for
(while new-age subscribers tend to get pretty far out and mystically -- some of what they do is on-point and healthy ---- so, go ahead and glean and utilize what's good)
you have to use your spiritual discernment in order to weed through it
pray to get through life
for instance, 'breatharianism' -- very new-agey --- people trying to survive on their breath alone -- can lead to starvation
in small chunks though -- ie a fast from food and a heightened focus on taking in sun energy (vitamin D, an incredible array of things) can be beneficial to health and well-being
meditating in the sun
we can be happier in the heart of sunny summer than in the dead of winter
the first topic: Blood regenerating
cleansing your blood, very important
the main function of blood is to supply vital nutrients like oxygen and glucose to your cells, tissues and organs
when we eat junkfood, too much meat or dairy, or take drugs or absorb synthetic chemicals it all creates blockages in our blood ----- so we have to clean our blood -- the best way to do that is to eat foods that help bring more oxygen into the body -- there are drops you can take, there are oxygen bars
going out in a park and hiking all day will help to clean your blood
circulate your blood, stretch
soon it will be fall and winter -- that is when it is important to bolster your immune system
take rishi mushroom -- easiest and most potent in pill form
astralogis -- good for your lungs
put good bacteria into your body
pro biotics (e.g. kombucha)
organic iodine and sea plankton stimulates the thyroid gland and balances your metabolism
seaweed is really healthy - chuck it on your salad or in soup
shen tonic -- a mixture of herbs for healthy results -- the Chinese are pros from ages of experience
Ginseng -- helps physical strength, endurance
if it's late at night and you need to stay up to drive or something
instead of reaching for a generic energy drink at a gas station, which is full of led and toxins
take some ginseng
the best way of inhaling pure oxygen -- which can cause a high -- is Tibetan Rhodiola
it's a super herb
about $40
it's like taking concentrated oxygen
Pantocrin -- extracted from deer antlers -- a rejuvenating agent -- rebuilds tissues
"The complex chemical agent found in Deer Antler is similar to that found in the tail bases of many lizards, such as the gecko and in the legs of starfish where these appendages re-grow bone, nerves, blood vessels, tissue, flesh and all!"
majestic mushrooms (note: not magic) -- fortifies the immune system -- kills tumors -- anti-viral
also, ingest plenty of greens
get a good green blend
smoothies form high-power juicers are great and easily absorb into your bloodstream
it's good to get blood testing and determine what kind of blood you have and then take the mushrooms that are best for your blood type
interesting: O type blood can give to anyone -- yet can only receive O
next topic: zero-point energy
Einstein and Tesla both had dealings with zero-point ----- so this isn't new age chicanery
( i suppose if it got in the wrong hands it could be -- do the research for yourself and draw your own conclusions)
there's a guy who has a raw food co-op in Atlanta and he sells like goji-berries and raw walnuts and stuff to companies -- Eric got a job helping this guy make sales
the next branch of raw foods that's really catching on it 'energetic medicines'
we then had a demonstration of a bio-luminescent wand, which he brought to the talk
it's about 15 thousand dollars for a wand
chiropractors and doctors use them -- supposedly they aid healing
massage therapists use them
studied for about 200 years
zero-point energy helps your bio-energetic field source life-force energy and helps release congestion of the flow of energy around your body in order to make it more harmonious and bio-energetic
everrything has an energy field
plants do
we do
when you have a disease -- when you have blockages in your body
your brain can't tell what to do at times -- and/or has to kick into overdrive to compensate for a malfunctioning system
once you have a blockage in the body -- everything starts to build up and break down -- this is how disease happens
what the wands help to do is to create homeostasus -- which is harmony within the body
babies born without birth defects generally all have homeostasus
a healthy working system, they're brand new, all their organs are new, they're right from heaven
Supposedly the wand taps energy from the ionosphere and creates a zero-point energy field
proven by the cashmere effect that if you put two metal plates near to each other in a vacuum they will create energy
in a complete vacuum this will create energy
and energy will never end -- it's called complete energy
this is coming from the principles of quantum physics and quantum mechanics
there is a healing frequency
what the laser does is it channels the frequency into a beam
and what you do is put a right spin on an area of pain --
always clockwise, because our whole system is based off the Fibonacci sequence
which is like a spiral -- a nautilus -- our body uses a right spin -- our whole body is a spiral
the Universe is a spiral (and galaxies -- think of the Milky Way) God created it all that way
when we are diseased our body and our blood spin counter-clockwise
that's why our bodies need medicine -- in order to correct
it's not all 'mind over matter'
it's channeling energy, saying 'body, i need you to focus and bring energy right here'
it helps your body to bring the healing -- it's your body that does the healing by God's grace
some time new-agers might try to just to rely on 'qi' and try to zap 'qi' into another person, for instance, reiki
you have to be careful -- use discernment
use prayer
pray for healing
good energy
do the best you can -- if you really get ill, though, definitely don't hesitate to go to the hospital
When using a laser wand Don't shine it in your eye as you could incur permanent eye damage
hold it about an inch from your body and turn it clockwise for thirty seconds or more
when Tesla died, the government raided his place, took his papers and things
but he was smart enough to divvy out the basic tenants of his design and theories to Britain, France, England, Russia, and America -- the powerhouses at the time -- so that they could all have complete knowledge if they were to work together
it doesn't seem like they have worked together all that much
but maybe they have -
governments created crafts
the most well known being stealth fighter planes
and there are stealth copters now
they run off of free energy
they are unlimited energy machines
our dependency on fossil fuels and electricity is 'abominable'
because we've known about this for so long
we could have a completely green and clean world
but because of these interests (the 'powers that be' -- pulling in money from the masses) being so strong -- it's going to take a while (even with this classified information getting into the hands of consumers) to overthrow such big companies
you can go on youtube and learn how to make a free-energy machine for like $60 and run your whole house
our electricity is running DC in America
AC (alternating current) is Tesla's invention -- it doesn't have so many blackouts, is safer
DC (direct current) is Edison's
businessman Edison stamped out Tesla and America went down the DC road till even today
Edison was frustrated that he was on the losing end of things
he was such a megalomaniac that he just doused Tesla
because Tesla was a lover not a fighter -- even though he was kinda wacked out with the death ray
you can separate from Con Edison if you build a strong enough free-energy machine
* reminds of that documentary 'who killed the electric car' -- what with gasoline companies pulling in so much $$
we're in the information age
information is power
the elites usually have access to information the general pop doesn't have
are they withholding information for their advantage -- and a way to control the masses
there was a strength test to cap off the talk
Josh was told to hold out an arm and resist Eric from pushing it down
he pushed it down
then, Josh clased a pendant necklace -- made of EMF resistant material
Eric pushed down Josh's arm -- struggled to lower it -- claiming it was harder to move the arm